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Updated: May 27, 2019

Day 9

Parma, Italy, the home of Parmigiana Reggiano! Actually, the cheese was made right between the two cities of Parma and Reggio-Emilia, which is where it‘s famous name came from!

Today we went to a factory that explained to us the production and shipment of parmigiana reggiano. We also were given the chance to taste different ages of the cheese, including: 12, 24, and 36 months.

Of course the 12 months was the freshest and softest of the three. Since it’s the freshest, it is usually used in the Italian household and shaved or grated over pasta. Unfortunately, America will never see this age because of how lengthy the approval of the cheeses can take and shipment. By the time parmigiana reaches the states, it’s about a year old.

The 24 month old parmigiana was more dense and smelled less. This age was actually satisfying, not too soft or hard.

The 36 month tasted and smelled just like Parmesan cheese from America. Notice the spelling. I honestly did not like it, it was hard and was not as fresh as the others. It was great, but not the best!

Aging of parmigiana reggiano will harden the cheese more and more over time, which is why our observations of the cheese tastings make sense. My choice would have to be the 12 months, I wish I could get it in the states!


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