Day 4
Today we endured a ten course meal with no breaks!! We visited a traditional Piedmont farm where the owner took is through the production of various cheeses and explained the variation of each production style. Afterwards, he led us to his restaurant where he fed us a ten course meal.
We started with sangria, Prosecco, and other juices.
1. Salami with an apple
2. Spinach and egg quiche with a cream sauce
3. Celery, walnut, cheese salad
4. Sliced veal
5. Gnocchi with creamy sauce
6. Braised beef ravioli
7. Egg, cheese, and ham quiche
8. Braised beef and potatoes
9. Plate of cheeses made at the piedmont farm
10. Chocolate lava cake served with raspberry marmalade, strawberries, and what tasted like whip cream
Unfortunately, not all are pictured, but the most impressive dishes ranked, had to be:
1. Egg, cheese, ham quiche
2. Celery salad
3. Chocolate lava cake
4. Gnocchi
These were definitely my favorites, I wish I had pictures of the quiche and celery salad because they were AMAZING. After this meal we headed straight to La Banca Del Vino for a wine tasting tour!